I just love the visual for this gloss:
Rose gold is one of the 6 shades under the name Effet 3D. Bourjois claims these glosses add up to 33% more shine than other glosses on the market and they introduce a new form of applicator - a plastic spatula. It's certanly shiny, but in my opinion not nearly as shiny as DiorKiss. The gloss feels quite ''slippery'', it just glides over the lips and it's not sticky at all. I love the plastic applicator, it deposit just the right amount of product. Rose gold is a light coral pink with golden shimmer, however, it's not that pigmented. It looks amazing over a pale lipstick. Staying power is decent, nothing revolutionary for a drugstore gloss. I got it for about 6€ with 50% discount, I think they are about 11€.
Rose gold je eden izmed 6 odtenkov pod imenom Effet 3D. Bourjois trdi, da ti glosi dodajo 33% več sijaja kot ostali glosi na tržišču, prav tako predstavljajo novost med aplikatorji, namreč ti glosi imajo plastičen aplikator. Meni osebno je zelo všeč, saj se z njim da zelo lepo nanesti gloss. Je res zelo sijoč, ampak se ne približa Diorjevemu DiorKiss. Gloss lepo zdrsi po ustnicah in ni niti malo lepljiv. Rose gold je svetlo koralno roza barve z zlatimi bleščicami, ki ni kaj dosti pigmentiran, ampak zgleda super čez svetlo šminko. Obstojnost je v redu, nič revolucionarnega za glos nizkega cenovnega razreda. Kupila sem ga za okrog 6€ s kuponom za 50% popust, mislim da je normalna cena okrog 11€.
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