Alverde Rose Garden Lipgloss # 222 Rose Fantasy
Is a dark pink with golden shimmer. It was a part of a limited edition collection called Rose Garden by Alverde.
Je temno rozast s zlatimi bleščicami. Bil je del omejene izdaje imenovane Rose Garden od Alverde.
Alverde LE Rose Garden Rouge Stick #604 Rose Love
A blush stick in a dark rose colour. It's very hard to apply both on the lips as on the cheek. Staying power on the cheeks is poor, however on the lips it's decent, it leaves a lovely stain.
Rdečilo za lica v stiku v temno rožnati barvi. Je zelo trd in ga je težko nanesti tako na ustnice kot na lica. Na licih je obstojnost slaba, na ustnicah je v redu, pusti lep stain efekt.
Essence Twilight LE Lipgloss in Lunch at Cullen's
A dark berry red, very pigmented. It smells divine, candy like. I love wearing it as a stain.
Temno malinasto rdeče barve zelo pigmentiran. Diši božansko, sladko. Najraje ga nosim kot stain (zgornja slika).
Essence LE Denim Wanted Duo Eyeshadow # 02 My Boyfriend's Jeans
Consist of two colours: a light silver and dark violet. Both a quite pigmented, however staying power is really poor, especially the violet one disappears quickly.
Barvi v tem dvojčki sta srebra in temno vijolična. Obe sta kar pigmentirani, vendar zelo neobstojni, še posebej violična.
Is a dark pink with golden shimmer. It was a part of a limited edition collection called Rose Garden by Alverde.
Je temno rozast s zlatimi bleščicami. Bil je del omejene izdaje imenovane Rose Garden od Alverde.
Alverde LE Rose Garden Rouge Stick #604 Rose Love
A blush stick in a dark rose colour. It's very hard to apply both on the lips as on the cheek. Staying power on the cheeks is poor, however on the lips it's decent, it leaves a lovely stain.
Rdečilo za lica v stiku v temno rožnati barvi. Je zelo trd in ga je težko nanesti tako na ustnice kot na lica. Na licih je obstojnost slaba, na ustnicah je v redu, pusti lep stain efekt.
Essence Twilight LE Lipgloss in Lunch at Cullen's
A dark berry red, very pigmented. It smells divine, candy like. I love wearing it as a stain.
Temno malinasto rdeče barve zelo pigmentiran. Diši božansko, sladko. Najraje ga nosim kot stain (zgornja slika).
Essence LE Denim Wanted Duo Eyeshadow # 02 My Boyfriend's Jeans
Consist of two colours: a light silver and dark violet. Both a quite pigmented, however staying power is really poor, especially the violet one disappears quickly.
Barvi v tem dvojčki sta srebra in temno vijolična. Obe sta kar pigmentirani, vendar zelo neobstojni, še posebej violična.
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