Tuesday, September 21, 2010

E.l.f. Swatches and Reviews

Hypershine Lipgloss in Bubble gum

I had such low expectations for a gloss that costs 1.7€, well I was wrong. This turned out to be a fantastic gloss. The colour is gorgeus milky pink, it has more pigmented than Nivea's Milkshake though the colours are similar, Bubble gum is a bit brighter. It's not sticky, however it is quite thick which  personally I don't mind, but according to other reviewers it bothers a lot of people. The packaging is a click pen with a brush, when you use it for the first time, you have to twist it several times so the product comes out. Staying power is nothing special, about 2 hours. It smells sweet, like a mixture of coffee and bananas. I'll probably keep repurchasing it.

Glede na to da gloss stane le 1,7€, sem imela precej nizka pričakovanja. Bila sem v zmoti, kajti izkazalo se je da je tale glos super. Barva je prelepa svetla, mlečna roza. Glos je bolj pigmentiran kot Nivejin Milkshake, čeprav sta si oba precej podobna je Bubble gum malenkost svetlejši. Ni lepljiv, je pa gost. Mene to ne moti, ostale pa sodeč po njihovih ocenah kar precej. Embalaža je podobna svinčniku, ko ga uporabiš prvič moraš kar dostikrat zavrteti zgornji del, da se končno prikaže glos. Obstojnost ni nič posebnega, kakšne 2 ure. Diši sladko, nekakšna mešanica kave in banan. Verjetno ga bom še naprej kupovala.

Mineral lipsticks Natural nymph and Runway Pink

These two lipsticks are probaby my most worn lippies, especially the colour Runway pink. It such a pretty pale pink, a bit lighter than my lip colour, Natural nymph is a pale, slightly pinkish nude. They aren't particulary moisturising, they are almost a bit dry, but that doesn't really bother me that much. The packaging is a plastic square tube, I like the minimalistic look. Both colours look great by themselfs or with a gloss on top (I love the combination of Natural nymph and Bourjois Effet 3D Rose gold gloss). I ordered them from UK's website for 4€. I will definitely keep repurchasing them.

Ti dve šminki sta verjetno najbolj uporabljani v moji zbirki, še posebej Runway pink, ki je čudovita bledo roza barve, le malce svetlejša od naravne barve mojih ustnic. Natural nymph je bleda, rahlo roza barve skoraj  enaka moji koži. Šminki nista kaj posebej negovalni, sta skoraj malce izsušujoči, vendar me to ne moti pretirano. Embalaža je kvadratasta plastična tuba, meni je všeč minimalistični izgled. Obe barvi zgledata super kot same ali skupaj z glosom (jaz Natural nymph rada kombiniram z Bourjois-ovim Effet 3D Rose gold glosom). Šminki sem naročila na britanski E.l.f.-ovi strani za 4€. Definitivno sta moji stalnici.

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