Next on my swatching list are Effet 3D Max lip glosses by Bourjois. I already owned and used up shade 62 Rose gold (swatches can be found here) and I recently bought shade 61 Rose Acidulé (I will post swatches of it in a few days). Shades 64 and 65 are missing, I guess they aren't sold here anymore, 64 is a beautiful red called Framboise ardent. These are very shinny but also very runny. They aren't sticky and because they are thinner than other run-of-the-mill glosses, they tend to bleed a bit. The applicator is unusual, it's a plastic spatula, I like it, some don't. Here they cost around 10-11€.
O teh glossih sem že pisala, no vsaj o odtenku 62 Rose gold (slike in ocena so tukaj), ki sem ga že porabila. Nedavno sem kupila še odtenek 61 Rose acidulé (poslikala ga bom v kratkem), ki ga zanimivo kar dolgo nisem nikjer našla. Ni mi uspelo najti odtenkov 64 in 65, kar je čudno saj so oba že imeli. 64 Framboise ardent je zelo lep rdeč gloss, takrat ko sem kupila odtenek 62, sem razmišljala tudi o nakupu 64. Ti glosi so zelo svetleči in nelepljivi, so namreč zelo tekoči, včasih kar malo zdrsi z ustnic. Plastičen aplikator je precej nenavaden, meni osebno je všeč ampak marsikateri ni. Stanejo okrog 10-11€.
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