Highlighters are one of my favourite make up product. A touch of highlighter on the top of the cheekbones, (also down the nose and on the cupid's bow) just gives that final touch to your make up. But you have to be careful when applying it, because you don't want to make it look to obvious. You don't want to have a very visible shimmery stripe on your cheekbones that just screams ''I'm wearing to much highlighter'' (unless that's what you're going for), you just want it to look like your skin is healthy and dewy. The key is to blend your highlighter with your foundation. I've learned this trick from Lisa Eldridge, who is one of my favourite make up guru's on Youtube (I'll post the video at the end of the post). What you want to do is to apply your (in this case liquid or cream) highlighter after you applied your foundation (rather than only after blush) and really blend it into your skin. Than apply blush and blend a bit of highlighter again on your cheekbones and blending it with your blush. It's a great trick and it makes your skin look amazing.
Highlighterji oz.osvetljevalci so eni izmed mojih najljubših izdelkov. Malo osvetljevalca na vrhu ličnic da tisti svetleč in zdrav videz, ter poveže celotni make up. Ampak z njim je treba biti previden, namreč nihče ne želi imeti očitne svetleče črte na obrazu, ki kar kriči ''imam preveč osvetljevalca'' (razen če si tak videz pač želite). Ključno je da zabrišete osvetljevalec v samo podlago, tako da ni vidnih prehodov. Ta trik sem se naučila od Lise Eldridge, ki je ena izmed mojih naljubših make up gurujev na Youtubu (ta posnetek bom dodala na konec te objave). Osvetljevalec (v tem primeru najboljše tekoči ali kremni) nanesite zatem ko ste nanesle podlago (torej pred nanosom blusha) in zabrišite vse prehode. Nato nanesite blush in spet zabrišite malenkost highligterja na ličnice in ga zabrišite še malo v sam blush.
Here are all of my highlighters /Tu so še moji osvetljevalci:
1. Essence Moonlight Collection LE Shimmer Powder - a very light highlighter, not particularity pigmented. Because it's so subtle I actually prefer to use it on my cheeks or on top of blush to give it that extra luminosity./ je bolj malo pigmentiran in zato, ker ni tako očiten, ga raje uporabljam za lička in čez blush da dodam tak zdrav sijaj. Podoben osvetljevalec, ki mi je zelo všeč pa ga nimam sama, je iz Blossom etc. LE.
2. E.l.f. Healthy Glow Bronzing Powder - It's to light to be a bronzer, but it's a great cheap highlighter with golden tones. It's very pigmented and soft, price-wise it's a bargain (1,7€), but the packaging is really cheap looking (then who cares considering the price). Again, it works very well alone on the cheeks or on top of blush. It's a great colour for summer, when you have a bit of colour./ Naj vas ime ne zavede ni bronzer, ker je presvetel, ampak je super in poceni osvetljevalec z zlatimi toni. Je precej pigmentiran in mehek, je izjemno poceni (1,7€), ter embalaža je izjemno slabo narejena (ampak za 1,7 € kaj boljšega ne moreš pričakovat). Je super za poletje ko imaš že nekaj barve. Kot Essencovega ga rada uporabljam na ličkih samih in čez blush.
3. High Beam by Benefit - Expensive (around 20€), but you get a massive amount. You only need a little amount so it will last you ages. The packaging is like an oversized Essence nail polish. It has a nail polish type applicator. This one is my current choice of highlighter (apart from Jemma Kidd's one). Because it's liquid, you can get the most natural result, but you can really go heavy on this one. / Je zelo drag (okrog 20€), ampak dobiš ogromno količino. Potrebuješ ga nanesti res majhno količino, zato dvomim da mi ga bo kdaj uspelo porabit (rok trajanja je le 6 mesecev, kar mi je čudno). Embalaža je kot malo večji lak za nohte od Essence, dejansko je čopič kot od laka. Trenutno največ uporabljam ta osvetljevalce, poleg Ice Gold od Jemme Kidd. Ker je tekoč se z njim dobi zelo naraven sijaj, ker se ga da lepo zabrisat, ampak ni ga težko nanesti tudi preveč.
4. Jemma Kidd Dewy Glow Radiance Creme in Ice Gold - one of my two favourite highlighters ever (the other one being Mac Vanilla pigment). It's so easy to use (I use fingers), simply because it's a cream. The packaging is great with a big mirror. I always have it in my make up bag, it's easy to touch it up whenever you need or want. It gives the most natural, dewy result / Eden izmed dveh mojih najljubših osvetljevalcev (drugi je Macov pigment Vanilla). Je zelo enostaven za uporabo, jaz ga nanašam kar s prsti, se lepo zblenda in zabriše, da res naraven sijoč videz, skratka super. Embalaža je primerna za potovanja, ima veliko ogledalo tako da lahko kadarkoli popraviš make up.
But don't feel limited by the description of the product. You can use an shimmery eyeshadow as highlighter. I found quite a few shimmery eyeshadows in my collection. So look through your stash, you might find something useful. / Ni vam pa seveda treba steči v drogerijo po osvetljevalec, uporabite lahko tudi navadno svetleče senčilo. Sama imam kar nekaj takih senčil v svoji zbirki, tako da preglejte kaj imate v svoji, morda najdete kar uporabnega.
1. Vanilla pigment by Mac - A fantastic highlighter. It just looks so great on the skin, I know it doesn't look that great on the picture, but in real life it's just gorgeous/ Odličen osvetljevalec, enostavno izgleda čudovito na koži. Čeprav na moji sliki izgleda bolj bogo je v živo krasen)
2. Alverde Baked eyeshadow in Elegant Beige - Mine's all broken and messed up, sorry about that. A very shimmery highlighter, be careful not to apply to much, but it's a great highlighter/eyeshadow./ Moj je ves razbit, ker so tale senčila precej krhka. Precej bleščičašt osvetljevalec/senčilo, ki ga lahko najdete v vsakem DM-u. Samo bodite previdni pri nanosu, kaj kmalu ga lahko nanesete preveč.
3. Essence eyeshadow from More Than a Fairy Tale palette (Secrets of the Past LE) - A very subtle highlighter, great for those who don't want a lot of shimmer. It just gives a bit of luminosity./ Zelo primeren osvetljevalec za tiste ki ne marate bleščič. Če imate to paletko slučajno v kakšnem predalu, preizkusite to senčilo kot osvetljevalec, da tisti sijoč videz brez da bi bil preveč bleščeč.
4. 2nd eyeshadow from top row in Sleek's Storm Palette - A very shimmery one, use a light hand when applying it.
5. Urban Decay Virgin eyeshadow from the Naked Palette - another more demure shade, but it does contain some shimmer
6. Urban Decay Sin eyeshadow - very shimmery, I use it in the inner corners of my eyes. It's better suited for darker skintone if you intend to use it as a highlighter.
And here is a video from Lisa Eldridge on how to apply liquid and cream highlighter. I highly recommend watching her videos, I learned so much from them.
In tukaj je še posnetek od Lise Eldridge kako nanesti tekoči in kremen osvetljevalec. Vam priporočam da pogledate vsaj nekaj njenih posnetkov, jaz sem se naučila ogromno iz njih.
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