Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Benefit Silky-finish Lipstick Jing-a-ling

Is a neutral pink with micro gold shimmer. It's very creamy and moisturizing, it almost looks like a gloss when applied on the lips.

Je nevtralne roza barve z mikro zlatimi bleščicami, zelo kremna in vlažilna. Na ustnicah izgleda skoraj kot glos.

A couple of years ago I had Artdeco Glossy Lip Care in number 30, which looks very similar to Benefit's one. I do in fact prefer the Artdeco one, since it's more moisturizing.

Pred nekaj leti sem imela Artdeco Glossy Lip Care številko odtenka 30, ki izgleda zelo podobna Benefitovi šminki. Artdecova mi je bolj všeč, saj je veliko bolj vlažilna.
A picture of an ancient haul, Artdeco Glossy Lip Care is in the middle, on the right is Bourjois Rose Retabli./Stara slika nakupa, Artdeco Glossy Lip Care je na sredini, desno je Bourjois Rose Retabli
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