Zauberwald LE finally reach our DMs too. I only bought one eyeshadow in the shade 311 Magic Sage, which is a silvery taupe with a bit of golden shimmer, still it's more of a satin finish. It's such a beautiful shade (I suspect it might be similar to Mac's Smoke & Diamonds) . It really pigmented and soft, I'm not really sure about staying power. Btw a shade from the same collection called 313 Magic Spirit is a good dupe for Artdeco 245 (my favourite eyeshadow ever! Swatches are here).
Zauberwald LE je končno prispela v naše DM-e. Kupila sem samo eno senčilo in sicer odtenek 311 Magic Sage, ki je srebrne taupe barve z mikro zlatim šimrom, ima satenast finiš. Res čudovit odtenek (mogoče malenkost podoben Macovi Smoke & Diamonds?). Senčka je precej pigmentirana in mehka, glede obstojnosti še ne moram poročati. Še en odtenek iz te kolekcije je pritegnil mojo pozornost in sicer številka 313 Magic Spirit, namreč je izjemno podoben moji najljubši senčki, ki je Artdecova 245 (slike tukaj).
Another eyeshadow from one of the previous LE called Rose Garden (both the eyeshadow and the collection). It's a bright teal, very pigmented and soft. Staying power is sadly poor. A good dupe is NYX's Ocean eyeshadow.
Še ena senčka iz prejšnje LE kolekcije Rose Garden. Je turkizne barve, zelo pigmentirana in mehka. Obstojnost je na žalost slaba. Dober približek te barve je NYX-ova senčka v odtenku Ocean.
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