S-he finally revamped their line and I think I'm actually one of the rare people who likes the new lego style packaging. I bought two nail polishes (020 and 345) and two eye shadows in 035 and 065.
S-he je končno zamenjal embalaže in sodeč po komentarjih, sem ena izmed redkih kateri so embalaže v stilu lego kock dejansko všeč. Kupila sem dva laka (020 in 345), ter dve senčili 035 in 065.
Eyeshadows are very pigmented. S-he doesn't carry a particularity great selection of colours, but these are very good (especially compared to Essence). 035 is an sapphire blue and it's so pigmented, vibrant and easy to blend, I would easily compare it to ArtDeco's 272 (but S-he is a bit brighter). 065 is a gorgeous highlight shade with a satin finish. It's a good dupe for one of my favourite highlighting shades - the lightest shade from one of the Essence's Secret of the Past TE palettes. I've worn both for hours without a base and the blue one only faded a bit, the highlighter shade still looked ok. Here is a lousy pic of swatches, but can you see how vibrant the blue is? The eyeshadows are very small, but I don't mind since they're 1.95 € a piece. I'll probaby get some more colours.
Senčila so zelo dobra in zelo pigmentirana. Kakšne velike izbire barv ravno ni, ampak v primerjavi s Essence so mi ta senčila veliko boljša. 035 je smaragdno modra, zelo pigmentirana in se lepo nanaša. Zlahka bi jo primerjala z ArtDecovo 272 , ampak S-he-jeva je malo bolj živa. 065 je odličen odtenek za pod obrv, ima satenast finiš. Je zelo podoben mojemu najljubšemu odtenku za pod obrv - najsvetlejšemu odtenku v Essencevi paleti iz Secret of the Past TE. Obe senčili sem nosila brez baze več ur, modra je malenkost zbledela (kot vsa druga temnejša senčila), bež senčka pa je ostala ok. Tukaj je še bolj slaba slika odtenkov, modra je dejansko še bolj živa. Senčila so zelo majhna, ampak mene to ne moti, so itak samo 1, 95€ za kos. Verjetno bom kupila še kakšno barvo.
Here is first of the nail polishes - 020, which is light pink. It has a jelly finish, first coat is very see through, second still has a bit too little coverage for my taste, but 3 coats looks ok (although the tips still show through).
Prvi lak 020 je svetlo roza. Prva plast je prozorna, druga ima že malo več prekrivnosti, tretja pa je že ok (čeprav se konice še vidijo).
I'm sure you've already seen the swatches of 345 before, mine is very bad, sorry about that. I bought this one after seeing Biba's and Nihrida's swatches. It's a black with gold and silver shimmer, just so pretty. However it's a pain to remove.
Verjetno ste že prej videli slike laka 345, moja je zelo slaba. Kupila sem ga potem, ko sem videla slike Bibe in Nihride. Je črn z zlatimi in srebrnimi bleščicami, res lep. Ga je pa težko odstraniti.
The last thing is Barry M's Limited Edition Pink nail polish, which I got in a swap. It's a very bright pink and very opaque, on this picture I'm only wearing one coat.
Še slika Barry M-ovega Limitited Edtiton Pink laka, ki sem ga dobila v zamenjavi. Je zelo živo rozast in zelo prekriven. Na tej sliki imam namazano le eno plast.
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