Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nars Lip Lacquer Chelsea Girls and DiorKiss Cotton Candy

I almost forgot I have this lacquer, probably because I never really liked it much. I'm not that bothered by the fact that it comes in a pot, I apply it with a TBS lip brush. The problem is the consistency, which is very thick and tacky. Another problem is the colour, I expected it to be more nude (however I am very pale), it looks to beige-brown on me. The scent is kind of plasticky, but not overpowering.
Skoraj sem pozabila da imam tale gloss, verjetno zato ker mi nikoli ni bil povsem všeč. Dejstvo da je v lončku me ne moti preveč, nanašam ga z čopičem iz The Body Shop-a. Zelo me moti, da je gost in lepljiv, pravtako mi ni všeč barva, pričakovala sem svetlejšo nude, na meni pa izpade bolj bežkasto-rjavo (sem zelo svetla). Diši nekako plastično ampak vonj ni pretirano intenziven. 

And another swatch of an ancient DiorKiss gloss (it's long discontinued). It's one the most shimmery glosses I own (shimmer gets everywhere), it's really sticky and it smells like grapes.
Še en swatch DiorKiss glosa (ki je šel že davno iz prodaje). Je eden najbolj bleščičastih glosov v moji zbirki, je zelo lepljiv in diši po grozdju.

And some pictures of my new lipstick/gloss bag that my mom brought. It just to be a first aid kit (with nothing much left), so I found a new use for it.
Še nekaj slik moje nove torbice za šminke in glosse. Včasih je bila za prvo pomoč, samo notri ni več kaj dosti ostalo, zato sem jo porabila malo drugače.

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