There is a new L'oreal display in Dm for Fall 2010 (in Slovenia it's called jesenska rapsodija - Fall/Autumn Rapsody, I don't know how's called elsewhere). Here are some rubbish pictures of the collection:
V Dm-ih sem zasledila novo kolekcijo imenovano Jesenska rapsodija. Nekaj nekvalitetnih slik :) :
I tested one of the Color Riche Serum lipsticks called Satin Pink, and here it is on the lips:
Testirala sem eno izmed Color Riche Serum šmink ( z včerajšnje slike swatchev), tu je še kako zgleda na ustnicah:
It's a neutral, medium pink. It's very pigmented and feels very moisturising on the lips. Apparently, the lighter core part contains an anti-ageing serum. I believe this shade is a part of a permanent line.
V Dm-ih sem zasledila novo kolekcijo imenovano Jesenska rapsodija. Nekaj nekvalitetnih slik :) :
I tested one of the Color Riche Serum lipsticks called Satin Pink, and here it is on the lips:
Testirala sem eno izmed Color Riche Serum šmink ( z včerajšnje slike swatchev), tu je še kako zgleda na ustnicah:
L'Oreal Color Riche Serum in Satin Pink |
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