Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Haul Deborah and Manhattan

Deborah Kohl Kajal

It's a part of a new Deborah collection, the name of which eluded me. It's very pigmented, easy to smudge and it never needs sharpening. However it was about 10 €, which is very expensive, considering that Sleek makeup sells the same thing for £3.99.

Kohl je del nove kolekcije od Deborah, katere ime se ne spomnim (lol). Je prvi eyeliner take oblike pri nas, vsaj kolikor sem jaz na tekočem. Je zelo pigmentiran, se ga lahko zabriše in ga ni potrebno šiliti. Bil je 10 €, Sleek (britanska znamka) ima enak eyeliner za 4 funte.

Izropana Deborah polica v Müllerju (Čopova) :
Manhattan Tender Touch
Manhattan Tender Touch swatches
I bought 2 of the Mat Lipcreams named 56K and 45H (95G is a beige-brown colour, which is soo not my colour):

These are GORGEOUS. They are supposed to be lip glosses, however, they feel more like liquid lipsticks. They provide a full-coverage, mat colour with amazing lasting power. They have a very strong sweet scent, which reminds me of banana yoghurt  Give them a try if you have a chance, because they are amazing. They were about 7€ each.
Ti glosi so ČUDOVITI. So bolj kot tekoče šminke, polnoprekrivni in majo mat finiš, ter so izjemno obstojni. Imajo zelo močen sladek vonj, ki me še najbolj spominja na bananin jogurt. Če imate možnost in jih definitivno preizkusite, so vredne tistih 6-7 €.
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