Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some New an Less New Max Factor Products in Müller

Let's start with the new. False Lash mascara is now available in a limited edition packaging (one of my favourite mascaras):
False Lash maskara je zdaj na voljo v rdeče-roza omejeni izdaji z 25% popusta (ena izmed mojih najljubših maskar):

Max Factor has a new lip product called Xperience Sheer gloss Balm. They are basically tinted lipbalms and in my opinion way overpriced, since you can get the exact same thing if you buy one of Nivea's (You can find swatches of Nivea lipbalms here). Xperience Sheer gloss Balm come in a slim, black plastic tube with a clear plastic cover. They have a SPF 10.
Max Factor ima nove obarvane balzame za ustnice imenovane Xperience Sheer gloss Balm. Niso nič kaj preveč drugačni od Nivejinih obarvanih balzamov (za swatche slednjih klikni tukaj). Embalaža je ozka, črna palička z prozornim pokrovčkom. Imajo ZF 10.

Xperience Sheer gloss Balm swatches

In DM they also have a new Xperience foundation:
Color Effects by Tina Fabjan
A beautiful and colourful makeup collection.
Čudovita barvna kolekcija ličil.

Loose eyeshadows/senčila v prahu
Lipglosses and mascaras/Lipglosi in maskare
Nail polishes/Laki za nohte
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