Friday, October 1, 2010

Barry M Haul

V sredo sem naročila nekaj stvari z lič in včeraj sem že prejela paket. Pravzaprav imam dve sliki nakupa, druga je tu klik. Je boljša slika čudežne šminke, ne pa Peachy Pink.

Here is another picture of my haul. It's a better representation of Touch of Magic, but not of Peachy pink.

Lip Paint 147 Peachy Pink

This lipstick was such a pain to picture. It looked really pink on every picture, I finally succeeded to capture it in all it's peachy glory in 94.574th attempt (lol). Picture of the lips is very accurate, the colour is really bright, light orange peach. It's really opaque and drying, it emphasizes every imperfection on the lips, but with a bit of chapstick underneath it looks relatively ok. On my porcelain skin it looks quite a bold choice of colour, it's really bright, however it looks very nice as a blusher.

To šminko je bilo tako težko slikati, nikakor mi ni uspelo ujeti pravega odtenka, na vsaki sliki je izgledala preveč roza. Končno mi je uspelo v 9546. poskusu (lol). Barva je svetlo breskova ki vleče na oranžno, vendar zelo živa. Šminka je zelo prekriva in suha, poudari vsako nepravilnost na ustnicah, ampak s plastjo balzama za ustnice spodaj relativno ok. Na moji porcelanasti koži izgleda barva skoraj malo neonska, je precej živa barva, ampak izgleda zelo lepa kot blusher. 

Here's peachy pink with baby pink liner underneath and Ombia lipgloss on top:

Lip Liner #  13 Baby Pink

This is more of a miss purchase, I didn't really know what to expect since I wasn't able to find any swatches online. It's one of the most horrible pale lilac pink colours, I doubt it looks good on anyone. However it will serve it's purpose, I bought it to tone done brighter lipstick and glosses.

Tole je bolj kot ne zgrešen nakup. Nisem ravno vedela kaj lahko pričakujem, namreč ni mi uspelo najti niti ene dobre slike na internetu. Je grozne svetlo, vijola roza barve, dvomim da bi izgledal lepo na komurkoli. Vseeno bo služil svojemu namenu, kupila sem ga za pod bolj žive šminke in glose, da malo umiri barvo

A rubbish pic of Baby pink topped with Ombia lipgloss:

Touch of Magic Lip Paint/ Čudežna šminka

Description from Barry M website:
Green goes Pink! A waterproof formula with added Aloe Vera stays on for up to 8 hours. Depending on the alkali level of your lips, determines just how pale or rich the colour will go.
It turns pink immediately when you apply it on the lips and gets the full intensity of the colour after 5 minutes. On me it turns into a REALLY bright berry pink, I presume it's the darkest it can get (I have been told than I have a very low pH of the skin, my silver jewelery turns dark in record time). It's really a pain to remove, it stains your lips and it lasts a really long time. Lipstick is moisturising and glossy. I'm not sure if I should wear it in public.

Ustnice se obarvajo takoj po nanosu, najprej je še kar nežna, po 5 minutah pa se na meni obarva v RES živo malinasto roza, nekako mislim da na meni izgleda najtemneje kot je možno (baje imam zelo kisel pH kože, moj srebrn nakit potemni v rekordnem času).  Jo je res težko odstaniti, pusti stain na ustnicah, ki ostane zelo dolgo. Šminka je drugače zelo vlažilna in ima svetleč finiš. 

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