This was my impulse purchase. At the time I was in the shop, it looked really pretty under the deceiving Müller's lights. This shade is a part of the Naked Beige collection. It's a beige-brown shade with a glossy finish, the lipstick is very moisturising and feels wonderful on the lips. It smells like caramel. It lacks some greater staying power. Overall a nice lipstick, but a really bad shade for my skin tone.
Tole je bil bolj kot ne impulzivni nakup. Pod prevarantskimi Műllerjevimi lučmi je izgledala zelo lepa. Ta odtenek je del Naked Beige kolekcije, v Sloveniji je še nisem videla, sama sem šminko kupila v Gradcu. Je bež- rjav odtenek z sijočim finišem. Šminka je zelo vlažilna. Diši sladko karamelno. Ni preveč obstojna. Je v redu šminka, samo odtenek res ne paše na mojo polt.
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