Hue is my absolute favorite lipstick. It's a gorgeous light milky pink, slightly peachy with glossy finish (it's a glaze formula). It's moisturizing, not at all drying and long lasting – basically all that I expect from a lipstick. This lipstick is my ultimate to-go shade. It looks way darker in the tube than when applied on the lips.,
Hue je moja najljubša šminka. Je čudovita svetlo, mlečno roza z nekaj breskve. Ima sijoč finiš, je vlažilna, niti malo izsušujoča in dolgoobstojna, skratka vse kar želim od šminke. Je moja to-go šminka. Zgleda kar precej drugačna v tubi kot ko jo naneseš, namreč je precej svetlejša.
I reviewed Jemma Kidd's gloss in Petal in one of the previous posts and I said it looks like Hue in a gloss form, you can see the swatch here to compare them for youself.
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