Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor Deep Conditioner and Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair mask are both highly recommended by so many. As a hair care junkie, I first became familiar with the famous Aussie 3 Minute Miracle through Makeup Alley, where it's been holding an impressive total score for ages. Macadamia became popular in the past couple of years and it's a favourite of many bloggers. After trying both and having them for several months, I can say I've been impressed by one and sadly disappointed by the other.
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor Deep Conditioner
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle is very popular abroad, particularly USA where it's already sold in a new purple packaging. The first time I used it, I wasn't impressed at all. I even expressed my disappointment in this post, so I put in on a shelf and didn't use it for a while. But I gave it another shot and this time I was quite impressed. It left my hair feeling really soft and nourished, it was a similar result as if using a high-end mask. I don't know why it didn't work the first time, but now I really like it. The packaging is quite awesome, no screw off or flip lids, just squeeze and the product comes out. The scent is amazing and quite strong - it smells like Hubba-Bubba fruit fantasy bubble gum tape. The texture is quite unique as well, medium thickness gel-cream hybrid. Honestly, I find 3 minutes a bit ambitious, so I leave it on for about an hour as any other conditioner/mask before rinsing it off (but that's just me). The scent lasts well even on my hair, the effect of the conditioner lasts a few days and my ends looked surprisingly well for quite a while. I've been using it most out of my conditioners in the past month (and I have a lot of them, so that tells something). I got Aussie a few months ago from Croatia for 9 €/70 kn, which is expensive compared to how little it costs in the USA.
By the way, still no sign Aussie will be available in Slovenia. I guess they're using the same stupid excuse as for not selling Bourjouis creme blushes. I've been told by my reader they stated that apparently cream blushes "don't sell well in our country".
I've done a detailed review on Macadamia mask months ago (here) and even then I expressed my dissatisfaction with it. Yet, I kept trying to like it and used it every now and then to see if it finally works for me. But last week, when I used it again, the state it left my hair in was the last drop. My ends were ridiculous dry and straw like, so I'm done with it. I gave it to my other family members to use it, maybe one of them will like it. I'm quite angry because it's not exactly cheap (I got 250 ml size for about 22€). It might just be my hair, since it's odd that so many people would rave about it for no reason, but in my opinion it's not worth the hype. The Healing oil from this brand is great, though.
Have a great day!
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