After a very positive experience with a mini size of Hold Tight hairspray, which I now purchased also in full size, two more sample/mini size bottles from Lee Stafford's Pink Range landed in my shopping basket. Neither blew me away as much as the hairspray, but lets focus on each individually.
lee stafford Dry ShaMPOO ORiGiNAL
I said before that I don't use dry shampoos for it's original purpose because my hair almost never gets greasy. I use them to refresh the hair, make it smell nice and mostly to revive volume.
Texture: This doesn't leave the same powdery texture in the hair as Batiste does and it doesn't leave the hair super refreshed. I don't think this soaks up oils too well, but don't take my word for it since my hair never gets greasy. I noticed that the hair doesn't feel as light when I run my fingers through it as with some other dry shampoos I tried. As at all dry shampoos, my hair feels a bit dirty the next day after use.
Volume: Yup. On my hair I can revive the volume despite the lack of the "grip" from the powder (corn starch).
Is it white?: Mostly it's clear, however, if not shaken well, there might be some white patches on odd sprays, but then you just blend it in as any other dry shampoo.
Scent: This has a very strong and perfumery scent. It's the type of heavy scent that won't appeal to everyone, which makes the samples size a good idea. The scent is a typical Lee Stanfford one, but more intense and less hairspray-ish than at Hold Tight. It's a heavy oriental scent, with flower notes and I definitely detect patchouli (some describe it as Angel like).
It's described as an invisible umbrella for the hair that prevents curling of the hair due to moisture in the air and fights the evil frizz.
Texture: This feels exactly the same as got2b Öl-La-La Styling Öl-Spray . It leaves the same light oily-siliconey feeling and gives loads of shine. Basically it's a silicone serum in a spray. While girls with dry hair will probably like this, those with oily hair might not so much. Be careful how much you use it, those with super dry hair don't really need to, but normal-oily haired girls be moderate as this can make your hair look greasy.
Does it work?: In theory it certainly should. It feels like a silicone serum in spray that coats the hair and therefore should help prevent the moisture from the air to be absorbed by the hair which causes it to swell unevenly and become frizzy. It also feels like it should be able to combat the other major reason for frizz - dryness and brittleness, since it feels a bit oily. But how does this perform in a real life situation? For one it does tame frizz if you spray it on the hair and comb through (better if you do that with fingers). However, my hair was frizzy again at the end of my walk in post rainy weather. I also tested it on my mother (we have very similar hair) right after straightening her hair and again it tamed the hair whilst gave loads of shine, but she came with frizzy hair home form work (she walks). It's a good effort from Lee Stafford, but I fear it's not quite enough. Mixing it with hairspray might be of better help in the fight against the frizz (or with anything with some hold).
Scent: The same typical Lee Stafford one as at Dry Shampoo, but a touch less intense.
lee stafford HoLD TiGHT HaiRSPRay
I already wrote that this is my favourite hairspray so far and that it works particularly well in combination with got2b Volumania Spray Mousse.
Texture: A light hairspray that doesn't feel crispy or stiff even if you apply it generously. I can barely feel it on the hair.
Hold: Nice flexible hold without being sticky.
Scent: A classical hairspray scent that is mixed with the typical lee stafford scent. It's not my favourite, but I can tolerate it much easier than L'Oreal's Elnett's.
Have you tried anything from lee stafford? Any recommendations?Have a great day!
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