So here are my favourites/most used products in January:
Bioderma Sesibio make-up remover - brilliant product, so gentle yet it removes all make-up. I don't know if it removes waterproof mascara because I don't own one. I love the fact that it's not greasy, it literally feels like water. Love it. / Odličen odstranjevalec make-upa. Je zelo nežen, obenem pa odstrani vsa ličila (ne vem sicer kako se obnese pri odstranjevanju vodoodporne maskare, ker je nimam). Všeč mi je da ni masten, oljnih odstranjevalcev ne maram ker mi zameglijo vid, pri tem teh težav nimam.
Most worn and loved lippies in the last month were Oriflame's unknown lipstick sample in 00012 (what useful info lol), mineral lipstick Runway pink by E.l.f. (gorgeous light mat pink) and Manhattan's Soft mat lip cream in 56K (lovely mat medium pink). / Največ nošene in najljubše šminke v Januarju so bile Oriflamova neznana šminka (imam tester) v odtenku 00012 (dokaj neuporabna informacija), E.l.f.-ova mineralna šminka v odtenku Runway Pink (čudovita mat svetlo roza) in Manhattanova Soft mat lip cream v odtenku 56K (srednje roza).
Wedge eye shadow by MAC - I use it as a contour shade for my cheekbones, it's a perfect shade for my light complexion. I would love to find a bronzer in such colour./ To senčilo uporabljam za senčenje pod ličnicami. Je ravno pravi odtenek za mojo svetlo polt. Rada bi našla odtenek bronzerja, ki bi bil podoben temu.
Avon SuperShock gel eyeliner in black is fantastic. The blackest black I ever tried and it really stays long in the waterline. I also loved wearing Max Factors white eyeliner. I had a phase a couple of weeks ago when I was wearing white eyeliner with loads of mascara and light pink lipstick. Revlon Luxurious color in Antiqued gold has been in my collection for quite a while (a bit unappreciated I must say). I ''rediscovered'' it last week and I started using it as an all over colour. I just warm the tip a bit with a lighter to make it more creamy and apply it all over the lid. It a really great color to complement blue/grey eyes./ Najbolj priljubljeni linerji so Avon SuperShock gel eyeliner (najbolj črn liner kar sem jih našla in noro obstojen), Max Factor White (sem imela fazo, ko sem nosila bel liner z veliko maskare in svetlo roza šminko) in zadnje ponovno odkritje z moje zbirke Revlonov Luxurious color v odtenku Antiqued Gold. Slednjega uporabljam kar po celi veki s tem da najprej konico linerja malo segrejem z vžigalnikom, da postane bolj kremen. Je odličen odtenek za sive in modre oči.
L'Oreal Made for me naturals Blondes - I've been neglecting this palette. It has the most beautiful collection of neutral colours, I love how the darkest colour in the palette complements my eye colour and the lightest shade is a good highlighter. Love it. / Super paletka, ima čudovito kombinacijo nevtralnih senčil. Zgornji odtenek je za obrvi, jaz ga uporabljam kot navadno senčilo. Najtemnejši odtenek odlično poudari mojo barvo oči, najsvetlejši pa je zelo lep highlighter.
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