Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Haul - Hair Care and Dior Blush

I ran out of conditioners, so I bought a tube of my faithful Brilliant brunette conditioner by John Frieda and what seems to be a revamped Garnier Repair & Shine treatment. When I got home I noticed that they didn't revamp just the packaging, but also the formula. It's a bit thicker now, the colour is a bit darker, ingredients are basically the same, but the biggest difference are the added pieces of melting apricot (a gimmick if you ask me, feels odd when applying on the hair, almost like a scrub). However the effect is the same as with the old version, still an excellent product.

Zmanjkalo mi je balzamov, zato sem spet nabavila moj zvesti Brilliant Brunnete od John Frieda in Garnier Repair & Shine masko, kateri so spremenili embalažo in sestavo. Sestavine so približno enake, je pa maska zdaj bolj gosta, malo temnejše barve in ima neke (tako piše na embalaži) topljive delčke marelice (kaj je smisel njih mi ni jasno, je pa čuden filing ko nanašaš masko, nekako kot piling). Efekt je pa dejansko enak kot pri stari verziji, tako da ostaja na prestolu moje naljubše maske.

I had a birthday last week, so my cousin got me a generous gift, namely Dior blush in the shade 829 Rose Dragée. It's a really, really light pink, one side is mat, the other shimmery. I have a hard time for the color to actually show up (needs a couple of layers), but it gives a lovely light flush. It probably won't show up on people with medium and darker skin tones. The brush that comes with it is really bad.

Sestrična mi je za rojstni dan prinesla velikodušno darilo Diorjev blush in odtenku 829 Rose Dragée. Blush je zelo svetlo roza barve, polovica je mat, polovica pa ima bleščice. Nanesti ga moram kar veliko, da se pokaže kaj barve, vseeno da lepo svetlo roza rdečico. Čopič, ki je zraven, je res slab, grob in ima premalo sčetin za kakšen boljši efekt.
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