Bourjois Rose Exclusif lipgloss
This lipgloss works in the same way as Barry M's Touch of Magic, which I reviewed and swatched here.
Ta lipgloss deluje na enak princip kot Barry M-ova čudežna šminka, katere ocena in swatch je tu.
Lip Brilliance gloss from Beauty Desire collection:A gorgeous raspberry red lipgloss which is very pigmented.
Čudovit malinasto rdeč glos, ki je zelo pigmentiran.
Artdeco 233 is in the same colour family as Mac's Patina, actually it's almost a dupe.
Artdeco 233 je zelo podobna Macovi Patini. Ni popolnoma enaka, je pa zelo dober približek.
Some other Artdeco eyeshadows:
I love Artdeco eyeshadows. I would compare them with Mac both in terms of pigmentation and staying power. However, they come in very small pots and they are very soft, therefore they don't last nearly as long as Mac's.
And more random swatches.
I regret not buying Alverde's eyeshadows in Green jewel and Intensive turquise, they are both so beautiful. L'oreal Color Riche has a new range of lipstick (I think they might be called anti-aging, I'm not really sure), anyway that swatched pink lipstick is gorgeous. I bought both swatched Manhattan's Soft Mat Cream and I absolutely love them. I'll swatch them tomorrow.
Obžalujem, da nisem kupila modre in zelene senčke od Alverde, res sta lepi. L'Orealova šminka je del neke nove kolekcije, sama se jo videla v DM-u. Kupila sem obe Manhattanovi Soft Mat Cream tekoči šminki, ki sta slikani zgoraj in sta absolutno fantastični. Ju poslikam jutri.
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