Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has declared the result of the Preliminary Examination of Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution Officer 2015.The Preliminary Examination of Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution Officer 2015 was held on 26th July 2015. Total 58050 candidates applied for the captioned post. Total 37084 candidates appeared in the Preliminary Examination. Out of which total 7795
Result | UPAPO (Pre) 2015 | Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution Officer (Preliminary) Exam 2015
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has declared the result of the Preliminary Examination of Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution Officer 2015.The Preliminary Examination of Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution Officer 2015 was held on 26th July 2015. Total 58050 candidates applied for the captioned post. Total 37084 candidates appeared in the Preliminary Examination. Out of which total 7795
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