Friday, April 10, 2015

Bocassy Paris Serum

Bocassy is a brand that brought two countries together, our neighbour Croatia and France, and they offer a range of moisturisers, cleansers, toners,.. so basically a basic skin care range, but with natural ingredients, no parabens, colourants or silicones. I've never heard of this brand before I was offered to try their products. It's sold in Müllers, but I don't spend a lot of time in front of "natural" skincare sectors so it eluded me completely, which is shame because I really like this serum. 

The decision for accepting to try this serum was made immediately after I saw the ingredients. Apart from being free of "nasties" as some people call them, it contains olive oil, shea and cocoa butter, vitamin A, E, d-panthenol, comfrey root extract and anise seed extract. I stopped reading at vitamin A and it was then that I decided to try it. 

The serum reminds me more of a very light moisturiser or a lotion rather than a serum, so I really like using this on its own in the morning under foundations as it gives me enough moisture, but sinks in quickly. Because it doesn't just sit on the skin, there is no problem applying another moisturizer or, as I do, an oil on top. Bocassy says it's appropriate for all skin types and I'm inclined to agree. The serum has a pleasant sort of apple-ish scent, but a bit warmer. My skin feels moisturised after use, doesn't scream for more moisture and it looks fresh. As far as long term effects go, I  notice that my skin looks more fresh and healthy. It doesn't affect any existing blemishes nor prevent them or make the skin tone more even, but the pores look less "gaping" and the skin looks better in general. That's the reason I really like this serum, just that it makes my skin look healthy.  

The glass bottle looks minimalistically modern and chic, but without unnecessary embellishments (basically very French). The pump is the only tiny weakness because it's not precise enough and lauches the product across the room if you're not careful, but you get used to it fast. I use two pumps of product at once and I notice that the more product I use, the better the skin looks. That part isn't my favourite because firstly, I'm very frugal with products in general and second because it will run out a lot faster than I would hope for. One pump is enough for my face, but the results then aren't as apparent.

The serum costs 24.92 € for 50 ml and it's sold in certain Müllers (in Slovenia those are Čopova, BTC, Rudnik, Koper, Celje and Maribor Europark) and I believe in Croatia, it's also available in DM. Would I buy this again? I would. I really like it. But it's expensive for my budget considering how fast it will run out and the nearest place I can get it from is 80 km away, which is a bother. But if it's in your budget and you're interested in natural skin care, I'd definitely give it a go.

Hrvaška in Francija sta združili svoje znanje o naravni kozmetiki in ustvarili znamko Bocassy, ki ima vse za osnovno nego obraza. Njihovi izdelki ne vsebujejo parabenov, barvil in silikonov. Preden so mi ponudili, da preizkusim njihove izdelke, za to znamko še nisem slišala, sicer je na voljo v Műllerju, ampak jaz "naravnega" kotička kaj dosti ne raziskujem, kar je škoda, ker me je tale serum prijetno presenetil.

Sestavine so bile tiste, ki so me prepričale, da poskusim tale serum. Poleg tega, da ne vsebuje "spornih" sestavin, je seznam sestavin kar prijetno pogledati. Vsebuje namreč olivno olje, karitejevo ter kakavovo maslo,  vitamine A, E, d-panthenol, ekstrakte gabezove korenine in janeževih semen. Mene je najbolj pritegnil vitamin A.

Serum me spominja bolj na kakšno lahko kremo ali pa losjon, kot pa na pravi serum in zato ga lahko brez problema uporabim individualno ali pa zjutraj kot podlago za ličila, ker dovolj navlaži, ampak se hitro vpije. Zato ker ne sedi na koži, lahko uporabim še kremo ali pa moje Nuxe olje in mi ni preveč. Bocassy pravi, da je serum primeren za vse tipe kože in bi se kar strinjala s tem. Diši nekako po jabolkih, ampak je kar topel vonj za razliko od večinoma svežih verzij vonja. Po uporabi je koža navlažena, nič ne zateguje in izgleda sveža. Kar se tiče rezultatov daljše uporabe, opažam, da moja koža izgleda predvsem bolj zdravo in manj utrujeno. Nič ne vpliva na kakšne mozolje, niti jih ne prepreči, tudi ne izenači kaj dosti tena, ampak pore in koža na splošno izgledajo bolje. Zato mi je serum tako več, ker naredi kožo videti bolj zdravo.

Steklena embalaža izgleda minimalistično in moderno, pač tipično francosko. Pumpica je edina mala slabost, ker ni pretirano natančna in če nisi previden, ti špricne serum praktično čez celo sobo, ampak se jo hitro navadiš kontrolirati. Sama porabim dva potiska pumpice izdelka, ker opažam da so rezultati veliko boljši, če uporabim več izdelka. In ravno slednja lastnost me moti, namreč sama sem dosti stiskaška bo pride do porabljanja kozmetike in dejstvo, da bom porabila serum dvakrat hitreje mi ni všeč. En potisk s pumpico sicer da dovolj izdelka za nanos, ampak rezultati niso enaki.   

Serum stane 24,92 € za 50 ml, na voljo pa je le v nekaterih Müllerjih (Čopova, BTC, Rudnik, Koper, Celje in Mariborski Europark). Bi izdelek ponovno kupila? Bi. Ampak je drag za moj žep,  sploh glede na to kako hitro se porabi, poleg tega pa je najbližji Műller, kjer ga lahko dobim 80 km stran, kar je nadležno. Ampak če si ga lahko privoščite in vas dobra naravna kozmetika zanima, je definitivno vreden nakupa.

Have a great day!
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