Friday, March 27, 2015

Nanshy Marvel Makeup Sponge

Using makeup sponges for applying foundation never truly won my heart. I find it time consuming and I'm not a fan of how much foundation is wasted due to absorption, but so many people love these sponges because they create a natural, non-cakey finish and there is no denying that they don't do that well. My brief history with makeup sponges is a rocky one. About two years ago I tried the Cosmopolitan's version, which has a nice rating on Makeup Alley, but much to my disappointment, it tore during first washing. I also was not terribly trilled about the fact I needed to use twice as much foundation to get the same level of coverage as with fingers or a brush. But I haven't given up on sponges completely and I still use them on occasion to make the foundation look less fake after applying it with any other method. I've never heard of Nanshy Marvel sponge before, but I was intrigued because of the shape of it, so I agreed to give it a test.

First thing that got me is the colour of it. Yes, I'm shallow like that, but I'm slightly (I can already hear my brother laughing hysterically) obsessed with mint green. Second thing I noticed is how much softer it is when it's dry compared to Cosmopolitan's. It has a combination of shapes - the slight hourglass design like the Cosmopolitan's and the angled cut top like the Real Techniques sponge. 

When it's wet it's bigger than Cosmopolitan's but in terms of softness and squishiness they the same. Both have a similar surface as well. The angled top is super convenient for the under eye area, so I like it more than Cosmopolitan's, however, I still need to use twice as much foundation, which to me is a huge waste. I find that sponges are better if you use them with foundations with a higher level of coverage because if you use it with a sheerer foundation or a BB cream, it barely covers anything since it "drinks up" so much product. I used my worst performing foundation to see if applying it with a sponge will make it look more decent on the skin. I initially liked it a lot, it looked very fresh, natural and it didn't make my pores look like huge craters, which is so much better than at application with a brush or fingers when it comes to this particular foundation. But after a while the foundation set and I again noticed that fake, ageing effect of it, which is completely the foundation's fault and the mere fact that the sponge made it look great a least for little time after application is an achievement. 

When it comes to washing, I find that because it's such a light colour, I can't really get it to be completely clean. I use a bar soap as it is more effective than liquid ones, but even like that there is always a little patch of foundation left on the sponge.

Given that I'm still not a fan of sponges, I can still say that this one a nice one. It's very soft, it does its job and it appears to be of a better quality as the Cosmopolitan's, since it didn't tear once during over a dozen washings. The top did get a bit frayed, but nothing major. It's quite a big sponge once it wet, but the cut shape is really useful for blending under the eyes as it reaches the corners well. 

The sponge costs £5.95 on the official Nanshy site.

Gobice za nanašanje podlage me niso nikoli res prepričale, namreč meni se zdi nanos z njimi preveč zamuden, pa še preveč pudra popijejo, kar meni ni niti malo všeč. Ampak te gobice so izjemno priljubljene saj ustvarijo zelo naraven videz in pomagajo, da podlaga ne izgleda očitna na obrazu. Pred to sem preizkusila samo Cosmopolitanovo gobico, ki me je kar razočarala, saj se je že pri prvem pranju raztrgala. Kljub temu jo še vedno občasno uporabljam po nanosu pudra s čopičem ali prsti, da popravim kakšne čudne predele kjer podlaga ni lepo nanešena. Preden sem dobila to gobico, za znamko Nanshy še nisem slišala, ampak me je oblika gobice pritegnila, da sem se jo odločila preizkusiti.

Seveda sem gobico takoj primerjala s Cosmopolitanovo in opazila, da ko je suha je veliko mehkejša. Nanshy gobica kombinira obliko stisnjeno peščene ure, ki jo ima tudi Cosmopolitanova in pa prirezan vrh, ki je podoben kot pri gobici od Real Techniques. Ko je mokra je večja od Cosmopolitanove, ampak kar se tiče mehkobe se ne razlikujeta. Tudi material je zelo podoben. Prirezan vrh se res obnese pri nanosu in zabrisovanju pod očmi, saj doseže tudi kot med očmi in nosom, torej je boljša od Cosmopolitanove, vseeno pa še vedno porabim dvakrat več podlage, kar je zame velika izguba. Te gobice se bolje obnesejo s podlagami z visoko prekrivnostjo, medtem ko se pri lažjih pudrih in BB kremah komaj kaj izdelka prenese na kožo, ker ga gobica toliko vpije. Nanshy gobico sem preizkusila tudi s svojim najslabšim tekočim pudrom, saj me je zanimalo če vsaj tak način nanosa pomaga, da ne bi izgledal tako čudno na koži. Takoj po nanosu mi je bil izgled podlage res všeč, saj je koža izgledala zelo sveže, naravno in izdelek se ni usedel v pore, ampak na žalost je puder čez nekaj časa postal zelo očiten na koži kar pa je sicer slaba lastnost pudra in ne gobice. Že to, da je tako slab puder izgledal veliko bolje po nanosu kot običajno je dovolj dobro zame.

Barva gobice mi je bila seveda takoj všeč, saj sem malenkost (že slišim mojega brata kako se smeje) obsedena z mentolno zeleno. Ker je gobica tako svetle barve, mi je do zdaj še ni uspelo popolnoma oprati, namreč kljub temu, da uporabljam trdo milo, ki je veliko bolj učinkovito kot tekoče, na gobici vedno ostane malo pudra.

Glede na to, da še vedno nisem neka velika ljubiteljica gobic, lahko še vedno rečem, da je tale čisto v redu. Je zelo mehka in dobro opravi svoje delo, poleg tega pa mi izgleda da je bolj kvalitetna od Cosmopolitanove, saj se po mnogih pranju ni raztrgala, čeprav konica ni več popolnoma ostra, ampak res ni nič hujšega. Je kar velika gobica ko je vlažna, ampak ta prirezana konica je odlična za nanos pod očmi.  

Nanshy gobico lahko kupite na Click2Chic za 7,49 €.

Have a great day!

* I was sent this product / Izdelek so mi poslali iz Click2Chic.
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