Thursday, March 12, 2015

L'Occitane Immortelle Oil Make-up Cleanser

(Slovenski prevod spodaj)

A couple weeks ago L'Occitane added a few new products to their Immortelle range. Aside from the Precious BB Cream, Precious Mist and 28 Day Divine Renewal Skin Programme, L'Occitane created another makeup cleansing oil, which I believe is still one of only two available on Slovene market. Shea Butter one was the first (review from Passing Fancy here) and now they released the Immortelle version, which is enriched with immortelle essential oil that helps smooth the skin with each use and has anti-ageing properties. I am no stranger to cleansing oils and I've tried a few already, all proved to be the best and most convenient waterproof makeup removers. I wear a heavy duty waterproof mascara very often, so I need an equally heavy duty remover to get every last scrape off at the end of the day and this one certainly does its job.

In terms of texture, Immortelle Oil Make-up Remover has a practically identical one to The Body Shop and L'Oreal's ones, so it's a very light, liquid oil, which emulsifies when water is added. I start by applying it on dry face, massage it in well so the makeup dissolves, then I add a bit of water, massage again and  rinse it off. Out of all the oils I've tried so far, I think that this one rinses off best, meaning there is little of that filter left on the skin. The oil has the same scent as the rest of the Immortelle line (or at least like the cleansing foam), so a wildflower scent that is between moderate and strong. When I was using the Cleansing Foam, I didn't like the scent from the start, but it grew on me. 

I tried this oil with my best waterproof mascara, Lancome Hypnose and a full face of makeup including Bourjois' Velvets to give it a proper test. It removed every scrap in the first go, however, I did need a lot of massaging between the lashes to completely dissolve the mascara, but that's no different to dual phase removers. I was quite impressed because I was sure I won't remove literally everything, but when I used a separate duo-phase remover on a cotton pad, it came back clean. It's nice to know that I can be confident that my face is really clean before going to bed. My complaint would be that it makes the vision foggy, but that's just something I have to put up with if I want to wear waterproof mascara and remove it completely at the end of the day. The skin is left moisturised, however, I still apply moisturiser which is what I do with any of these oil/balm cleansers. 

One thing that this cleanser very pleasantly surprised me is in what condition my skin is after an extended use. All oil cleansers I've used so far, broke me out a bit and it kind of put me off them for a while. I had to use them only a couple of times a week to prevent unwanted spots, but with this oil I actually find my skin is looking a lot better. I've mentioned in my New in post that my skin has been looking really good at the moment and I have even passed up on wearing foundation on several occasions. This oil could be the reason for it or at least it's not interfering with my other skincare.

It comes in a plastic packaging with a pump that works just fine and doesn't leak. The pump also locks if you turn it.

The oil is available in L'Occitane shops and on their official L'Occitane websites. It costs 22.40 €. From other shops online I'm only aware of Feel Unique and Look Fantastic selling some L'Occitane products (by the way, their Angelica Hydration Cream and Almond Shower Oil are amazing).  

Prejšnji teden so se liniji Immortelle pridružili novi izdelki: Žlahtna BB krema, 28 dnevni božanski tretma za obnavljanje kože, Žlahtna meglica in Olje za odstranjevanje ličil. Slednje je že drugo takšno L'Occitanovo olje, prvo je del karitejeve linije (ocena  Passing Fancy tukaj), to v liniji Immortelle pa je obogateno z eteričnim oljem suhocvetnice in obljublja, da z vsako uporabo naredi kožo bolj gladko. Kolikor vem sta to še vedno edina takšna izdelka na voljo pri nas, tako da očitno edino L'Occitane ni pozabil na nas. Sama imam že kar nekaj izkušenj s takšnimi olji, saj kot pogosta uporabnica vodoodpornih ličil nujno potrebujem dobro čistilno sredstvo, da jih ob koncu dneva popolnoma odstranim. Čistilna olja so še najhitrejša, pa še vatk ne porabljam brezveze. Tole olje se zelo izkazalo in učinkovito opravi svojo nalogo.

Čistilno olje je zelo lahko in tekoče, je že skoraj kot voda in kaj hitro spolzi z rok. Pravzaprav se v tem smislu prav nič ne razlikuje od The Body Shopove in L'Orealove verzije (obeh seveda ni na voljo pri nas, tako da če iščete dobro alternativo bo tole kar pravo). Olje nanesem na suho kožo ter ga dobro vmasiram, še posebej med trepalnice da karseda učinkovito raztopi vodoodporno maskaro. Ravno pri maskari je potrebo malo več truda, ampak ne če gre za navadno formulo. Olje se ob dodatku vode rahlo speni, kar tudi olajša spiranje izdelka. Od vseh olj, ki sem jih preizkusila, imam občutek, da se tole še najbolj spere in je manj tistega filtra na koži. Olje ima isti vonj kot preostala linija, torej vonj suhocvetnice, ki meni diši kot kakšne travniške rože. Vonj sicer ni zelo močen, ampak tudi ni mil. Včasih sem imela čistilno peno iz te kolekcija in mi od začetka vonj ni bil všeč, ampak sem se ga hitro navadila in mi je postal kar malo všeč.

Olje sem zadala težek test, saj sem uporabila moja najbolj obstojna ličila med njimi Lancome Hypnose vodoodporno maskaro in Bourjoisovo Velvet šminko. Olje je odstranilo vsa ličila v prvem čiščenju, ampak sem ga morala kar nekaj časa masirati med trepalnicami, sicer pa to ni nič drugače kot pri dvofaznih odstranjevalcih. Olje me je kar pozitivno presenetilo, namreč zdelo se mi je kot da mogoče maskare pa vseeno ni popolnoma odstranil, zato sem šla čez z vatko in dvofaznim odstranjevalcem ter ugotovila, da na na trepalnicah in ne na koži ni ostalo nič. Je pa ena lastnost olja oz. kar vseh olj, ki me moti in sicer da precej zameglijo vid. Po čiščenju je koža nahranjena, vseeno pa kot vedno uporabim še kremo. 

Čeprav sem preizkusila že nekaj olj, sem kar malo izgubila upanje, da bom našla tako ki mi po daljši uporabi ne bo mašilo por. Ampak očitno sem ga, namreč tale tudi po daljši uporabi ne povzroča nobenih težav. V moji zadnji New In objavi sem napisala, da sem trenutno kar zadovoljna s stanjem moje kože in sem kar nekajkrat uporabila le malo korektorja pod očmi. Nisem prepričana, če je razlog za to prav to olje ali kaj drugega, ampak meni je najbolj pomembno, da mi ne povzroča nobenih nevšečnosti. 

Embalaža je plastična kar pomeni da je lahka in odporna. Pumpica je super in zelo praktična, v redu bo tudi za potovanje, saj se zaklene.

Olje je na voljo v L'Occitanovih trgovinah, mogoče tudi v nekaterih Müllerjih in Maximarketu, ampak ne vem točno. L'Occitane ima tudi spletno trgovino. Olje stane 22,40 € za 200 ml.

The rest of the new products / Ostale novosti

39.70 €

13.20 €

101.00 €

Have a great day!
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