For those persons who are dealing with structured settlements, should have already heard that screaming advertisement on television about getting your full cash for your structured settlement instead of periodic payments. A structured settlement is a type of annuity that pays out an award from personal-injury cases, lottery winnings, workers compensation claims or other forms of legal settlements. Structured settlement owners receive periodic tax-free payments over time in accordance with the terms. However there are vast options that exist which allows you to sell your structured settlement and receive full lump some for your claim. JG Wentworth is a firm that brokers such settlements.
Why JG WentWorth
Simple, they offer a more transparent, quick and easy way of getting cash now from your structured settlement. They are well established and has over twenty years of experience regarding products like structured settlements and Lump some annuity settlements.
It is very quick and easy to get cash now from JG Wentworth. Look at the simple steps below.
It is very quick and easy to get cash now from JG Wentworth. Look at the simple steps below.
Selling Your Structured Settlement
"Millions of Americans are injured in accidents each year — often the injured opt for compensation through a structured settlement. This type of structured insurance settlement provides a stream of payments over many years.
While this option works well for some, many people find that they need larger sums of cash in the near term to pay for things such as college tuition for a family member, a down payment for the purchase of a home, debt reduction, medical expenses, or perhaps to start a business.
That’s where a structured settlement factoring company like J.G. Wentworth steps in. Thousands of individuals contact us every month to inquire about selling some or all of their monthly payments for a lump sum. For some, selling their structured settlement payments is not the best option; for others, it clearly is. J.G. Wentworth’s team of experienced structured settlement account executives will work with customers to customize options tailored to each individual’s needs. If you are looking to sell your structured settlement payments, you won’t find a better place to turn to than J. G. Wentworth.
J.G. Wentworth has, by far, the most experience in purchasing structured settlement payments from customers, with a customer base that is much larger than any competitor and over $5.6 billion in payment transfers.
J.G. Wentworth has one of the most efficient structured settlement purchasing systems in the industry. Our combination of experience, security and technology can help to get you the most money for your payments, as fast as possible. Find out more about how we can easily guide you, step-by-step through this process.
Over the past 15 years, J.G. Wentworth has helped tens of thousands of people obtain financial flexibility. Read some of their stories here.
Use the resources provided here to learn more about selling some or all of your structured settlement payments. Our large library of resources includes Frequently Asked Questions, Important Documents, and a Glossary of Terms.
It couldn’t be easier to get started. Fill out a simple form to get more information on J.G. Wentworth and the options available to you for selling your payments. You can also schedule a telephone call back from one of our experienced representatives for a time that is convenient for you"
Selling Your Annuity
These are tough times, and people are finding different ways to invest and prepare for their retirement. Over 100 million Americans have began to prepare for their retirement by purchasing annuities. A annuity is a fixed payment paid yearly that gives you a reliable and trusted flow of income. Millions of people after purchasing their annuity, realize that the annuity no longer suites their lifestyle or no longer fits their needs. Some people do not know how to get rid of their annuity. The annuity can be liquidated to free that cash very quickly and use that money for whatever investment that you deemed suite you need at the current time. JG Wentworth will work with you so you can get your cash in your hands in the blink of an eye. When it comes to purchasing annuity payment, you cannot have a more experienced company than JG Wentworth to guide and advise you on best practices when selling you annuity.
Pre-Settlement Funding
Persons who have been involved in civil cases knows how lengthily these cases can be. From the time when the case begins to the time when it takes you to get your money can last years. No one has that amount of patience anymore. Meanwhile you are waiting, your bills are piling on and your home is on it's way of being repossessed. If you are involved in a civil suit and need money to pay your bills and living expenses, make it a point to contact a J.G. Wentworth representative as soon as possible. If you need that cash now, all you need to do is speak with a JG Wentworth representative. You will not have to pay any money until your settlement finalizes.This should bring the peace of mind necessary as you wait to move on to the next part of your life.
Selling Your Structured Settlement
Structured settlements can be a very good thing. It is comforting yo realize that you are receiving periodic payments over a set period of time. But life is not static like those structured payments and times will emerge when you will need that cash now. You have all that cash sitting on but cant be accessed by you until the specific time when a next bank wire or check will reach your account. If you need that cash now (who doesn't?) you need one of the most experienced companies in purchasing structured settlement payments. J.G. Wentworth can help you get access to your cash – when you need it. JG Wentworh team does not just dive into getting you that cash now and making a profit while doing so. They have experienced and knowledgeable representatives which will be their to advice and guide you so you can make the right and most beneficial decision. JG Wentworth is a buzz with people calling everyday to get them a lump some cash from their settlements when they need it.
Mineral Rights and Royalties
When you own land in The United states of America, it is not just limited to the surface. As a land owner in the USA, you have the right to mine and exploit any minerals that you think may exist below your land. But mining on your land and receiving cash from whatever resources discovered will take a long time for the necessary paper works to fall through. It will take quite a ring a role to get the necessary drawing up contracts and other documentation to ensure that you are paid for your resources mined. This is where JG Wentworth steps in if you need cash now!
If you own mineral rights or royalties on your oil, J.G. Wentworth can put you in contact with companies that will offer you a lump sum for your holdings. And you don’t have to sell all of your mineral rights and royalties. If you need cash now, but want to hold on to a portion of your rights or royalties for future earnings and financial stability, you have that option as well.
If you own mineral rights or royalties on your oil, J.G. Wentworth can put you in contact with companies that will offer you a lump sum for your holdings. And you don’t have to sell all of your mineral rights and royalties. If you need cash now, but want to hold on to a portion of your rights or royalties for future earnings and financial stability, you have that option as well.
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