Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Models Own Disco Pants Copacabana and Diamond Luxe Heart Red

I already featured both of these in my December Inspired Beauty post, so you've probably already seen the swatches there, but now here is a proper review of both so they're more in focus and described in detail.

Diamond Luxe LE Heart Red

Heart Red is a classic warm-ish red with gold shimmer that looks like bright red shimmer once it's on the nails. The shimmer is much more visible in person than on my pictures and it gives a nice effect under the light, though from far away it just looks like a regular red nail colour. 

The formula is not my favourite red, especially compared to something from Essie, but it's still easy to apply. I needed two coats for full opacity and an even finish. The brush is a classic one and it works just fine. The removal process reveals the amount of gold shimmer than is on the nails and it needs an additional swipe in the pot remover or with a cotton pad to remove it completely.

I've already worn this shade twice, though I must admit I'm still not convicted if I love it, but  it's definitely different from what I normally wear due to the shimmer and I can't deny that's pretty to look at under light. It's  a very festive shade that much is obvious.

Heart Red je klasičen rdeč lak z rahlim toplim podtonom in drobnimi zlatimi bleščicami, ki pod plastjo laka izgledajo svetlo rdeče, ter se lepo bleščijo pod močno svetlobo. Kar se formule tiče ni moj najljubši rdeči lak in priznajmo si, rdeče lake pa res skoraj vsaka znamka naredi dobre, ampak je nanos tega laka še vedno dovolj enostaven. Za polno prekrivnost in enakomeren nanos sta bili potrebni dve plasti. Čopič je klasičen kar se tiče velikosti in omogoča normalen nanos. Pri odstranjevanju laka se pokaže koliko je dejansko zlatih bleščic in zato je potrebno malo več truda pri odstranjevanju, vseeno pa ni niti približno problematičen kar se tega tiče. Glede obstojnosti nisem opazila nobene razlike med vsemi ostalimi laki. Kot sem že velikokrat pojasnila, na meni pač vsi laki zdržijo zelo dolgo in to velja tudi za naslednji odtenek.
Lak sem že nosila dvakrat, pa čeprav nisem še popolnoma prepričana glede tega odtenka. Je lep in prazničen, ampak mogoče mi samo na meni ni prekrasen. Sicer pa barve so pravzaprav popolnoma subjektivna zadeva.

Disco Pants LE Copacabana

Copacabana is a gold-silver-green with a frosty metallic finish. I wish that it were more gold because then it'd be a bit more special,  but I can't have everything, can I? The formula is quite thick and theoretically it could be a one coater if you're lucky with the application, but mostly it looks a bit streaky, so a second coat is needed to fix it. Actually, it behaves like a classic frosty finish nail polish. Like the previous shade, this one has the same brush which works just fine. Removal process is as easy as it gets.

Copacabana je zlato-srebrn-zelen odtenek, za katerega si sicer želim, da bi bil bolj zlat, ker se mi zdi, da bi bil tako malo bolj poseben, ampak to bo ostala le neizpolnjena želja. Formula je kar gosta in teoretično bi lahko potrebovala samo eno plast, saj je dovolj prekriven, ampak je zelo težko ustvariti enakomeren nanos, ker se obnaša kot tipičen frosty lak, torej pušča črte. Dve plasti poskrbijo za enakomeren videz. Čopič je spet klasičen in kar se tiče odstranjevanja ni nobenih posebnosti.

Oba laka Models Own, Copacabana in Heart Red, lahko najdete na Click2Chic za 5,95 €.

I wish all a merry Christmas and enjoy the festivities in the following days. I'm currently preparing my traditional Best Buys and 2014 in Retrospect post that should go up before the 31.

*products were sent to me to review.
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