Sunday, September 21, 2014

4 Year Blogiversary and my Gift to You

My forth year blogging! To me it actually feels a lot longer because I've been posting reviews and swatches on other sites way before I decided to create my own blog on that faithful 21.september 2010, when I've made one of the best decision of my life. I have to say that with each year I'm enjoying it more. This year in July my blog received its one millionth view, which is just amazing and I still feel over the moon about it, even though it may not even be such an amazing feat. I've also revamped the layout to a version I'm really happy with and finally added my blog on more social media - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

I've done a celebratory post for the millionth view as well as shared a few bits in The Secrets of Blogging Tag, so I've pretty much exhausted my celebratory material, hahaha, but I want to thank you again, all of you who are subscribed or just read my blog occasionally and even to those who just happen to pass by - you are all amazing, brilliant people and I wish you all the best in life. I hope you'll enjoy my future posts as well.

Now for my gift to you, dear readers, well bloggers. It's not going to be a giveaway in a traditional sense of the word, but I want to give something back to you. I know many of you have your own blog, so I've decided to create a page called Blogs of my Readers, where your blogs will be advertised (for free of course) if you wish. I already have the Blogs I Heart page, which is one of the most viewed page on my blog and where all Slovene blogs I know of are featured as well, so the general layout will be the same - a thumbnail of your blog and a link. I'll post the image with the link in the sidebar through which you'll be able to access the page.

Here is your time for shameless promotion, advertise your blog in the comments under this post, but please refrain from follow me lines, I get a bit itchy. You can also put a link of the post you're most proud of and one request for me, I'd love to know the country you're from (also of those who don't have a blog).

I'd really love it if you created your own thumbnail as well and leave me a link to the uploaded image on Google+ Photos/Flickr/Slikomat/, whatever you're using. I'll do 200x150px images, you don't have to have the exact same size, but please keep the height at 150px so there'll be an even line. If you don't know how to do a thumbnail, I'll do something from your banner myself.  

I'll be collecting your entries for a week and then do a post in which I'll present the new page and you'll have the chance to check out what others are writing about.

Slovenski beauty blogerji, ki Å¡e niste na mojem seznamu pod Blogs I Heart, mi tudi prosim pustite link v komentarjih pod to objavo in boste dodani na seznam na Blogs I Heart strani. Ta seznam lahko kopirate tudi na svoj blog - sharing is caring. 

I hope you like my gift to you, I'm sorry to all of you who don't have a blog that I'm not having a traditional giveaway, perhaps sometime in the future, but I wanted to do something that would include as many people as possible instead of having just one winner.

Again thank you for these four years - you are amazing!

Have a great day!
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