Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yummy Strawberry Line

Yummy is a completely new brand to me, although it does bear a resemblance to, for example, Philosophy and I Love… products. There are five yummy scents of their products available: Chocolate, Vanilla, Forest Fruits, Coconut and, of course, Strawberry. I have to say all the scents sound very appealing to me and I like it when it's supposed to smell like one thing, rather than when two or more things are mixed together.
Moram priznati, da nisem nikoli slišala za znamko Yummy, čeprav sledi podobnemu konceptu kot izdelki znamk I Love… in Philosophy. Njihovi izdelki imajo privlačne in slastne vonje po vanilji, gozdnih sadežih, kokosu, čokoladi in seveda jagodah. Prav vsi vonji mi zvenijo zanimivo, pa ponavadi ni tako in všeč mi je, da imajo vonje z eno noto, saj mi razne mešanice dveh ali več vonjev velikokrat niso všeč. 

 The strawberry line smells delicious. If you're familiar with the scent of Milka chocolate with strawberry yoghurt filling - yes, these smell exactly like that. They also cause the strongest craving for that particular chocolate and they really should include Milka as a gift with purchase. 
Jagodna linija diši prekrasno. Vonj lahko najbolje opišem s tem da ga primerjam z Milko z jagodnim jogurtom (ena izmed mojih najljubših) - na moji koži dišijo identično tej čokoladi. Seveda si potem strašno zaželim čokolade, zraven teh izdelkov bi resno morali dodati še brezplačno Milko. 

Yummy Strawberry Body Butter

This is my absolute favourite product in the bunch. Upon opening the pot the first time, I was afraid it might be a light, yoghurt type of texture, but I was very pleasantly surprised at the fantastic, thick yet creamy texture that is easy to apply and moisturises very well. So you smell like strawberries and your skin is moisturised - I call that a clear win-win. The thick texture also means that it takes times to sink in, so those who dislike the greasy feeling might want to use this before going to bed. Oh, and the ingredients look nice, you can find them here.
Maslo za telo je moj najljubši izdelek v tej kolekciji. Ko sem prvič odprla posodico sem se malo ustrašila, da bo tekstura prelahka, ker na prvi pogled izgleda kot jogurt, ampak sem bila pozitivno presenečena nad gostejšo, vendar vseeno lahko mazljivo teksturo, ki odlično nahrani kožo. Torej dišiš kot jagodna čokolada pa še koža se počuti super. Se pa zaradi te gostejše teksture dalj časa vpija, zato je bolj primerno za uporabo zvečer. Sestavine lahko vidite tukaj.

 Yummy Strawberry Hand Cream

Hand cream is something I almost never use because I just never feel as though my hands need to be moisturised during the day and I hate the greasy feeling. I moisturise my body before going to bed and that includes the hands, but I don't use a specified product, just a regular body butter. This one is one of those hand creams that is somewhere between a thick lotion and a cream, so it's not the one that would sink in quickly (at least as far my preferences go). I prefer to apply this before going to bed, rather than using it during the day when I'm constantly behind the keyboard, or ironing or doing any other things. It does moisturise well, but it is not an intensive care kind of product. Of course, it smells fantastic just as the body butter. Ingredients.
Krema za roke je izdelek, ki ga prav šokantno zanemarjam. Pač se mi nikoli ne zdi, da so moje roke suhe, pa še tistega mastnega filma na rokah ne maram, saj imam potrpljenje štiriletnega otroka. Nega rok pride na vrsto takrat ko nanašam kremo za telo in ne uporabljam posebne verzije samo za roke. Yummy krema za roke je kar gosta, čeprav ne pretirano, ampak je ena izmed tistih, ki ne vpije hitro, zato jo raje nanesem zvečer preden grem spat in ne sredi dneva, ko sem stalno za računalnikom ali npr. likam in opravljam ostala opravila. Kožo dovolj nahrani, vseeno pa to ni intenzivna nega. Diši pa enako božansko kot maslo za telo, pravzaprav me ta krema malo spominja na tisto Essence kremo za roke Strawberry Cream Cupcake, ki je bila del omejene izdaje nekaj let nazaj. Sestavine tukaj.

 Yummy Strawberry Shower Gel
First of, the bottle is huge. It holds 500 ml of shower gel, which is very convenient as it means you won't have to repurchase it in a couple of weeks. The texture of it is very runny and it forms quite a "bare" foam, but nonetheless it serves it's purpose well and obviously smells lovely, though it has an ever so slightly different scent as the other two products (it's still obviously strawberry). It doesn't dry out my skin, but rare shower gels do. My bottle is running low very quickly and I suspect someone is stealing it, so it's popular even among the rest of the residents in my household. Ingredients here.
Naj začnem s tem, da je embalaža ogromna, saj drži pol litra gela za tuširanje, kar je velika prednost, saj ni potrebno tako pogosto kupovati novega. Je zelo tekoč gel za prhanje in se manj peni kot večina, ampak vseeno opravi svoje delo. Seveda diši super, čeprav ima malenkost drugačen vonj kot obe kremi, je pa še vedno očitno jagoden vonj. Gel ne izsušuje moje kože, ampak že tako jo redkokateri. Sestavine lahko najdete tukaj.

The body butter is definitely wonderful, while the hand cream is average as is the shower gel, though they both do their jobs well and they all smell fantastic. I don't know where this is available to purchase outside of Slovenia, but it is a German brand.
Maslo za telo je definitivno zelo dobro in ga z veseljem uporabljam, medtem ko sta krema za roke in tuš gel povprečna, vseeno pa dobro opravita svoje delo in vsi izdelki dišijo prekrasno. Izdelki so na voljo na Click2Chic
Maslo za telo z vonje jagode 250 ml -  5,95 €
Gel za prhanje z vonjem jagode 500 ml - 5,95 €
Krema za roke z vonjem jagode 75 ml - 3,95 €
Komplet z vsemi tremi izdelki linije - 14,95 €

Have a great day!

*The products were sent to me to review. / Izdelki so mi bili poslani v oceno.
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