Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Green Line Clear Active Micellar Cleansing Water

The micellar waters fad is not yet over and Green Line released their version recently, which I was kindly offered to test, and I tell you, it's surprisingly good. For those unfamiliar with Green Line, it's actually a Slovene brand.

Texture: Similarly to the rest of the micellar waters, it has a light almost water-like texture, though this one feels closer to a toner than the rest. 

Effectiveness: In short - it performs very well. I wore a full face of makeup with SPF underneath and a good primer to give it a good test and it removed the base in pretty much the first go, but it needed extra pads for the eye makeup (black eyeliner and eyeshadow) and Bourjois Velvets on the lips. It took three pads to get my face clean which is the same as with Garnier and L'Oreal's version. Much like other micellar waters, it won't remove waterproof mascara, but I tested its removing powers with a regular version (which I had to borrow, but it was essence I <3 Extreme Crazy Volume mascara) and it did its job. It doesn't irritate my eyes or skin, however, neither do any of the other micellar waters I've tried.

Scent: This might be a nuisance to some, but unlike other micellar waters I've tried, this one is scented with what I presume is the scent is of orange flower water and I've grown rather fond of the fragrance. Personally, I don't mind scented skincare, in fact, I prefer it, but people sensitive to fragrance might find it problematic.

Packaging: This is where I won't be too kind, but I'm certain that during the rich human history we have invented  these things called flip top caps, which have made our lives much easier by not needing to screw the caps off any more. What I'm trying to say is that a flip top would be much more practical. The bottle doesn't spill or waste product, for which I'm very grateful since I had the displeasure of being continuously annoyed by the L'Oreal's bottle. The bottle holds 200 ml, which is not an impressive amount especially compared to some of the competition and the packaging could use a more modern update, but that's just my preference.

I think it's a great micellar water and it's a nice budget offering. It removes makeup well and leaves the skin feeling clean, refreshed and not at all tight, but very comfortable. I really been enjoying using it the past month. The plain looking bottle might be the reason you'll miss it in the drugstores, but it's a worthy buy nonetheless, especially for those you found other drugstore micellar waters irritating and need something new. 

I've already seen it being sold in DM for about 4.5 €. I'm not sure in which countries Green Line is available, but I'm guessing it's available in the Balkans.

V poplavi micelarnih vodic se je na trgu pojavila še ena in to domače znamke Green Line, ki sem jo imela priložnost preizkusiti in me je precej pozitivno presenetila. Kot praktično vse druge micelarne vodice je lahka skoraj kot voda, čeprav je že malo bolj podobna toniku. Ličila odstrani učinkovito in hitro, po mojih izkušnjah so dovolj tri vatke za dokaj močan makeup, ampak vodoodporne maskare ji pa ne uspe odstraniti. Meni ne draži oči in kože, čeprav moja koža ni niti malo občutljiva. Vodica ima še kar močen cvetlični vonj, ki je meni kar všeč, lahko pa je problematičen za tiste, ki so na dišave občutljivi. Glavno pomankljivost zame predstavlja pokrovček, saj bi namreč z vidika lažje uporabe želela takšnega na poklop. Micelarna vodica je na voljo v količini 200 ml, kar ni ravno presunljivo veliko še posebno v primerjavo s nekatero konkurenco.
Vsekakor gre za dobro micelarno vodico, ki dobro odstrani ličila in pusti kožo osveženo ter ne neudobno zategnjeno. Videla sem jo že v DM, kje stane okrog 4,5 €.

* I was sent this to review / Izdelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.

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