1. Fame eau de parfum
I don't discriminate fragrances based on who is behind them and this is one of the coolest looking perfume bottles ever. It's one of those fragrances a lot of people would consider a bit boring, but I really like the initial grape soda note.
2. Orofluido
My bottle is running seriously low now so I need to repurchase it. I'll probably buy it from here because it's the cheapest price including the shipping. Needless to say it's one of my favourite products ever.
3. Revlon Lip Butters
I just discovered that they are sold in Slovenia in Ilirija (more here under Revlon) so I can finally see and test the shades in person. I'm most interested in shades Berry Smoothie, Sweet Tart and Candy Apple. For Slovene readers these are also sold on Click2chic.si (though expensive including shipping).
4. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair
I ran out of my bottle earlier in the Summer and my skin misses it so much. Why does it have to be so expensive? My skin looked gazillion times better when I was using it.
5. MAC Cremesheen + Pearl Coral Bliss
I ordered a sample from thebodyneeds2 when they had 20% off and it is the prettiest light coral-pink shade. They just had an offer for 36% discount and I ordered some more samples, mainly red shades. Oh, and I just wanted to give a little praise to them, because they wrote thank you in Slovene on the invoice and I thought it was really thoughtful.
6. The Body Shop Chocomania line
We don't have TBS in Slovenia. If we had it, I'd probably be there all the time. I get a chance sometimes when I'm in Graz. Anyway, I'm most intrigued by Chocomania line. I mean chocolate scented product: yes, please! I'd love to have at least the body butter or beautifying oil. For TBS products I rely on eBay.
7. Nyx Cream Blush
I love cream blushes and there are one of the cheapest and highly praised. However, there are some other blushes I'm interested in, particularly in Stila's Convertible Color in Gerbera and MAC's Something Special Cremeblend blush. You can get Nyx on cherryculture.com, nonpareilboutique.com and eBay.
8. The Body Shop Vineyard Peach line
Is another line I'd love to try out. I absolutely love the scent of peaches and I think I'll try the body butter someday. Of course, if I find one appropriately priced on eBay.
And what are your Christmas wishes? Thanks for reading.
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