Friday, May 20, 2011

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multipurpose Dry Oil

This oil has been on my wishlist for a long time. I wanted the regular version and not the shimmery one because I think that shimmer would look ridiculous on my milky skin. First off let me start with the scent - it's amazing.  I can't stop smelling it. It's very sweet, I don't really know what it resembles, but some say it's a bit like almond oil (by the way, it is identical as their tinted moisturizer). For me, one of the most important things in a product is the scent, so this oil gets a big plus because of that. Another thing that I love is how it just sinks into the skin, there's no greasy feeling whatsoever. It leaves the skin so very soft and feeling amazing. I also used it on my hair and it's great. It tames the frizz and gives amazing shine. But it performs the best on my face. I use a drop or two on my face and I swear my skin never looked so radiant and lovely (also using honey and homemade aspirin toner contributed greatly to making my skin look better, but more about that another time). Vichy Aqualia Thermal serum got rid of my dry patches, but in combination with a bit of Nuxe oil my skin looks so nice and radiant. The only thing I really don't like is the packaging. The glass bottle looks so luxurious and pretty, but I have the 50 ml version and it's so hard to get the oil out. I think the 100 ml version has a spray which I'd prefer, but it's very expensive (31 €). Nuxe is sold in almost every pharmacy here in Slovenia, 50 ml bottle cost around 18 €.

My final verdict: I love it.I think I will keep repurchasing it, but I don't like the packaging (next time I'll try the spray bottle), also the price is exaggerated.
Update (14. feb.2013): I'm still loving it. I did repurchase the 100ml version and the spray bottle is so much more handy.  I've been using it as a face moisturiser every day since I bought it (almost 2 years!) and it's amazing. It gives skin radiance and more importantly it makes your skin incredibly smooth. Definitely a product worth the hype. I changed the pictures with the 100ml version, the 50ml ones are bellow.

To olje je bilo dolgo na moji wishlisti. Želela sem navadno verzijo in ne tisto s bleščicami, ker mislim da bi bleščice izgledale čudno na moji mlečno beli koži. Obožujem vonj tega olja in glede na to, da je zame vonj izdelka ena izmed najpomembnejših stvari, tale dobi en velik plus. Je zelo sladek vonj, sicer ne vem čemu je najbolj podoben, nekateri pravijo, da je nekako podoben mandlju (gre pa za isti vonj, kot ga ima njihova obarvana krema). Je suho olje, kar pomeni da se takoj vpije v kožo in ne pusti nobenega mastnega občutka, meni je to zelo všeč. Kožo naredi izjemno mehko in gladko. Uporabila sem ga tudi na laseh (konicah) in ukroti frizz in doda sijaj. Najbolj pa se obnese na koži obraza. Uporabim kapljico ali dve zraven Vichyijevega seruma in moja koža nikoli ni izgledala lepše. Edino kar mi ni všeč je embalaža. Sama steklenička izgleda čudovito, ampak pri 50 ml verziji zelo težko dobim kaj izdelka ven (moraš kar agresivno stresati stekleničko, da dobiš kakšno kapljo). Pri 100 ml veziji je baje sprej, verjetno bom naslednjič vzela kar to. Nuxe se dobi v skoraj vsaki lekarni, 50 ml stane 18€ in 100 ml je okrog 31€. 
Meni je olje zelo všeč in verjetno ga bom še kupovala. Moti me le embalaža (pri 50 ml) in cena. Priporočam.

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