And here it is - one of the best bronzers for fair skins. I've been looking for a good bronzer that would suit my very pale complexion for a long time, but most bronzers I swatched just looked very orange on my skin. Estee Lauder's one has some red tones in it, which apparently works great on lighter skin tones. Although it's called matte bronzer it does have some golden shimmer in the pan, but it doesn't show up on my skin. It actually mattifies quite well. I apply it on my cheeks, a bit on the sides of my forehead and sweep a touch through the center of my face. It just looks like your natural tan, it's not orange and it doesn't look fake at all. I tried using it as a contour, but I don't find it that good for it. For me the best contouring shade I own is Mac's Wedge eyeshadow or eyeshadow called Naked from UD Naked palette. The bronzer is massive, I doubt I'll ever use it up, which sort of justifies the price (36 € in Müller). The packaging is nice, has a big mirror that is really useful. The brush it comes with is also useful and very soft.
In končno ocena še za Estee Lauderjin Bronzer, ki je odličen za zelo svetlo kožo. Kar nekaj časa sem iskala dober bronzer za mojo svetlo kožo, ampak skoraj vsi, ki sem jih swatchala so izgledali oranžno. Esteejin ima nekaj rdečih tonov, zaradi česa očitno izgleda super na svetlejši koži. Čeprav naj bi bil mat bronzer ima nekakšne zlate bleščice, vendar na koži niso vidne. Pravzaprav kar dobro matira. Nanašam ga na lička, ob strani čela in malenkost ga nanesem še po sredini obraza. Dejansko izgleda kot naravna zagorelost in ni nič oranžen. Za senčenje obraza ni ravno najboljši, meni je bolj všeč Macova Wedge senčka ali Naked senčka iz UD-jeve Naked palete. Bronzer je ogromen, dvomim, da mi ga bo kdaj uspelo porabiti, mogoče to dejstvo malo upravičuje ceno (36 € v Müllerju). Embalaža je lepa in priročna z velikim ogledalom in čopičem, ki je tudi uporaben.
And here is a comparison to my ancient Essence Sun Club bronzer, which I really dislike. It just doesn't pack any pigment, it hardly shows up even of my porcelain skin. It does smell lovely however, like sunscreen and exactly like Estee Lauder's Bronze Goddess body oil (the one in the square bottle with gold sparkles).
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