Saturday, March 12, 2011

Make Up Factory True Lip Colour Lipsticks

Finally! A nice range of shades for a change. I like at least a half of the shades, all from 12 - 47 (without 28) are very nice and wearable colours. Make Up Factory is a high end brand available only in Müller. These lipsticks cost 14,50 €. I bought the shade 47, which is very similar to Mac's Hue (my all-time favourite).
These are very nice. Quality wise I'd compare them to Mac's Glaze formula, not fully opaque but moisturizing, creamy and feel very comfortable on the lips. The shape of the lipstick is a bit odd, I don't really get the purpose of such shape. The packaging is very nice, a nice black, sleek, mat tube. Shade 47 is a light pink with peach tones, very similar to Hue by Mac, but Hue is lighter and has more pink in it. However once applied on the lips, the difference is negligible. I would imagine that on someone even a shade darker than me, you probably wouldn't be able to see the difference between the two. It doesn't have any particular scent, it's quite undetectable. Staying power is very similar to Mac's glaze formula, they last about 4 hours. These lipsticks contains jojoba in olive oil, vitamin C and E, and they're paraben and fragrance free.

Končno ena linija šmink z dobrimi odtenki. Všeč mi je vsaj polovica, od 12 - 47 (brez 28) so zelo lepe in nosljive barve. So zelo dobre šminke, kvalitetne, zelo podobne Macovi glaze formuli. Niso polno prekrivne, imajo nekakšen kremen finiš, so kar vlažilne, ampak niso mastne. Oblika šminke mi je misterij, je neka čudna prirezana oblika, katere namen mi ni jasen. Embalaža je super, zelo elegantna, mat, črna tuba, zelo kvalitetna. Odtenek 47 je svetlo roza z nekaj breskve, zelo podoben Macovi Hue, ampak Hue je bolj roza in svetlejša. Vseeno ko jo naneseš na ustnice je razlika skoraj nezaznavna. Na nekomu, ki ima samo odtenek temnejšo polt kot jaz, se po moje razlike sploh ne bi opazilo. Nima kakšnega posebnega vonja, obstojnost je precej dobra, kakšne 4 ure. Šminke vsebujejo jojobino in olivno olje, vitamina C in E, ter so brez parabenov in dišav.
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