First of is the new shade of lipstick called 53 All About Cupcake, which is a pink slightly peachy shade, a beautiful neutral, everyday colour. Local Műller didn't have Coralize Me yet which is one of the new shades and interested me most. Swatches of shades 44 and 45 can be found here.
Essence also introduced a new shade of a lipliner called Coral Nude. I also purchased a shade Cute Pink and I previously owned Soft Rose.
Essence ima tudi nov odtenek liplinerja imenovan Coral Nude. Kupila sem še odtenke Cute Pink, že prej pa sem imela odtenek Soft Rose.
Prvi na vrsti je nov odtenek šminke 53 All About Cupcake, ki je roza z nekaj breskve, res lep nevtralen odtenek za vsak dan. Najbližji Műller še ni imel odtenka Coralize Me, ki se še zanima od novosti. Slike odtenkov 44 in 45 lahko najdete tu.
Stay with me is a new line of lipglosses, with 7 new shades. They introduce a new for of applicator, which I personally am not a fan of, but it works just fine. 01 Me & My Milkshake is a milky pink shade and a dupe of Nivea's Milkshake lipgloss and E.l.f.'s Bubble Gum. Staying power is average, they're not sticky, all in all just an average lipgloss, for the price a great product. The range of colour is nice, 02 My Favorite Milkshake is very similar to this one, just slightly peachier. They have a nice, faint fruity scent.
Stay with me so novi lipglosi v 7-ih odtenkih. Imajo novo vrsto aplikatorja, meni se kaj pretirano ne dopade, ampak deluje ok. 01 Me & My Milkshake je svetlo roza odtenek, identičen Nivejinemu Milkshake (btw Nivejina ličila grejo iz prodaje) in E.l.f.-ovem Bubble Gum. Obstojnost je povprečna, niso lepljivi, v glavnem povprečni glosi, super za ceno. Všeč mi je izbor odtenkov, 02 My Favorite Milkshake je zelo podoben temu, le bolj breskov. Imajo rahel sadni vonj.
Essence also introduced a new shade of a lipliner called Coral Nude. I also purchased a shade Cute Pink and I previously owned Soft Rose.
Essence ima tudi nov odtenek liplinerja imenovan Coral Nude. Kupila sem še odtenke Cute Pink, že prej pa sem imela odtenek Soft Rose.
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