Neutrogena Visibly Clear 2 in 1 Wash & Mask
I use it mostly as a mask, I do use it sometimes as a cleanser and I like it a lot. It's my favourite face mask, it makes my skin look so much healthier and it's really cheap for the amount you get.
Uporabljam jo večinoma kot masko, redkeje za vsakodnevno čiščenje. Kot maska mi je izjemno všeč, koža izgleda veliko bolj zdravo po uporabi, pa še poceni je za tako količino.
L'Oreal Exfotonic body scrub
I finally found a decent scrub. The beads are big and it contains AHA acids. My HG scrub.
Končno sem našla spodoben piling. Ima velika zrnca in vsebije AHA kisline. Super piling.
Love, love, love.
Dove Nourishing Moisture Beauty Body Milk
The only thing I found to be really moisturing, it leaves my skin so soft.
Edina stvar, ki je dovolj mastna da poskrbi za mojo suho kožo na nogah. Koža je res mehka po uporabi.
Escada's Marine Groove
Marine Groove is a LE for this year and is gorgeous. My favourite fragrance ever. Notes are passionfruit, peony, jasmine and musk. I love the passion fruit in it. It's my signature summer scent.
Marine Groove je letošnja Escadina LE. Moj najljubši parfum ever. Note: pasijonka, potonika, jasmin in mošuš. Pasijonka mi je izjemno všeč, nosim ga poleti.
Calvin Klein Euphoria
Euphoria is my winter scent. Notes include pomegranate, lotus, black orchid, black violet, amber and musk. I get complimented a lot when I wear it.
Pozimi uporabljam Euphorio. Note: granatno jabolko, črna orhideja, lotus, črna vijolica, jantar in mošuš. Vedno dobim pohvale ko ga nosim.
Lancome Color Ideal
My favourite foundation, makes my skin look amazing.
Moj najljubši tekoči puder, naredi mojo kožo izjemno lepo.
Bourjois Healty Mix concealer
Fantastic concealer, good coverage, smells nice, it's perfect for dark circles.
Čudovit korektor, zelo dobro prekriven, diši cvetlično, super za pod oči.
Maybelline Dream Mousse blush in Peach Satin
In one word: gorgeous. Such a wonderful product, it really livens my face.
Fantastičen blush, izgleda fantastično na izjemno svetli moji polti. Res škoda, da se ga ne dobi pri nas.
E.l.f. Healty Glow Bronzing Powder in Luminance
A great, cheap highlighter.
Super, poceni osvetljevalec.
Benefit Coralista
Another beautful blush, simililar to Nars Orgasm, but slightly more coral.
Še en čudovit blush, podoben Narsovemu Orgasm-u, le da je bolj koralen.
Eye make up:
Palettes: Urban Decay Naked palette and Sleek Storm - both fantastic, beautiful neutral colours. I even use shade called Naked from the Naked palette as a countour./ Obe čudovite nevtralne paletke.
Individual eyeshadows: Mac Satin Taupe and Patina, ArtDeco 245 and Essence Smokey Eyes set in 02 Punky Vibe. - All fantastic for a neutral smokey eye, all are really flattering on gray-blue eyes. Essence set is great for a dark brown smokey look./ Čudovite barve za nevtralen smokey make-up, super za sive-modre oči. Essencov set je super za temnejši rjav smokey make-up.
Eyeliners: Urban Decay Stash and recently Avon SuperShock in black - Stash is the same colour as Artdeco eyeshadow in 245 which is my favourite eyeshadow. Avon's eyeliner is the blackest eyeliner I found./ Stash je enake barve kot ArtDecova senčka 245 (ki je moja naljubša). Avonov eyeliner je najbolj črn liner kar sem jih sprobala.
Random: Essence pure skin pure teint spot fighting duo - concealer is rubbish, but the liquid side for spot treatment is fantastic./ Korektor je zanič, ampak tekočina za mozolje je super. Sem ga kupila že tretjič zapovrstjo.
Most worn lipsticks this years were Revlon Pink pout and E.l.f. Runway pink.
Gosh Darling is the most flattering nude ever.
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