Thursday, November 18, 2010

Haul - Calvin Klein Euphoria and Gliss Oil Nutritive

I was planning to buy edp, but I mistakenly bought edt. However I still like it a lot. It's very fruity at the beginning, than it turns into a oriental floral scent.

Gliss Oil Nutritive Repair-Butter Mask

I was immediately drawn to this mask when I saw shea butter in 3. place on the ingredients list. The mask is very thick in consistency which I personally like a lot. I have very long, thick, curly, very dry hair and so far I found only a handful of conditioners that actually work for me. And this one is one of them. It's not a miracle worker, but it works the way I expect it to work. It's quite heavily scented, it has some kind of fruity smell. 

Takoj ko sem videla, da ima na tretjem mestu karitejevo maslo, je tale maska pristala v moji košarici. Je zelo gosta, kar mi je zelo všeč. Sama ima zelo dolge, goste, kodraste in zelo suhe lase, do zdaj sem našla le par balzamov, ki so mi všeč in ta je eden izmed njih. Ne dela čudežev, ampak nahrani moje lase tako kot to od balzama pričakujem. Ima precej močen vonj, nekakšen saden, meni ni všeč, je pa za zdržat.


And here are some Artdeco swatches. 17 is a shimmery taupe, 80 is a dark blue and 06 is silver.
Nekaj Artdecovih senčk. 17 je šimrasta taupe, 80 je zelo temno modra in 06 je srebrna.
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