Pink Pout is a matte cool pink with a slight mauve undertone. The texture is great for a matte, as it's really creamy, but the finish is actually matte. Staying power is nice as well, it disappears gradually and leaves a lovely stain behind as it's wearing off. I like the matte packaging and the see-through top. It was 9.45 € in Műller.
I used to have 001 Nude Attitude, which is a apricot nude. It just didn’t look good on my skin tone, it almost looked a bit orange. However I am really, really pale.
Pink Pout je mat roza s hladnim podton, vleče malo na lila bravo. Tekstura je super, kremna, ampak mat brez sijaja. Je skoraj malo negovalna. Obstojnost je super, izgine postopoma in pusti čudovit nežno roza stain. Všeč mi je mat embalaža in prosojni zgornji del. Kupila sem jo v Müllerju za 9,45 €.
Včasih sem imela 001 Nude Attitude, ki je marelične nude barve in je izgledala grozno na moji polti, skoraj malo oranžno, ampak je pa res da sem zeloooo bleda.
Revlon Matte lipsticks:
I'm seriously considering getting the shade Really Red. It's such a pretty red.
Resno razmišljam, da bi kupila odtenek Really Red, ki je čudovita rdeča barva.
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