Honeylove is a peachy-beige shade and not as pale as I’d liked on my skin tone. Mac’s website describes the shade as ‘’light honey-beige toned with rose”, on my skin it just looks light honey-beige and with no rose. I’m still not sure if I really like it. It’s a matte finish, a bit drying (certainly more than my favourites Revlon’s mattes, which are btw amazing), I usually pair it with a gloss. Staying power is great.
Honeylove je breskovo-bež odtenek, na mojih ustnicah niti približno nude. Na Macovi strani je opisana kot medeno-bež z roza, vendar na mojih ustnicah ni videti niti malo roza pridiha. Nisem čisto prepričana če mi je všeč, a nosim jo vseeno. Je ima mat finiš, je malo izsušujoča (vsekakor bolj kot moje favoritke Revlonove matte šminke, ki so fantastične) zato običajno čez šminko nanesem še glos. Obstojnost je super.
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